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All Fish All The Time! 7 Resources To Feed, Care For And Protect Pond Fish

By March 29, 2021July 17th, 2024Ponds

Koi are a pond’s true gems. Their playful antics, brilliant colors and soothing presence offer hours and seasons of enjoyment. For any pond owner and koi enthusiast, caring for these charming critters is as important as caring for any family member.

Koi aren’t difficult to care for, but there are things you should know if you want to keep them safe and healthy. We’ve rounded up a few key resources to help you give these living jewels the TLC they deserve.

kids feeding koiBuying Koi? What To Look For – And Look Out For

If you’re just starting out, or if you’ve got a few koi but want to add more, this guide is for you. Your pond is a naturally balanced ecosystem, which means that anything you add has the potential to change that balance. Selecting healthy koi is an important step in maintaining that balance, and of course will be a much more enjoyable experience for you!

There are a few things you should look for – and a few to beware – when you’re buying koi. We’ve included a bonus tip at the end to help you transition new fish safely into your pond.

Read Now: Buying Koi? What To Look For – And Look Out For

Is All Pond Fish Food Created Equal?Is All Pond Fish Food Created Equal?

There’s no shortage of koi food on the market. There are pellets, flakes, and krunchies. There are myriad brands to choose from, and there are even different types of food for different seasons.

When it comes to choosing food to keep koi healthy and happy, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that not all food is equally effective. We’ve shared some tips here for choosing the right kind of food and for feeding fish properly.

Read Now: Is All Pond Fish Food Created Equal?

How To Feed Your Pond Fish In SpringWhat Can You Feed Koi? At Least One Of These Will Surprise You!

Do you sneak table scraps to your dog, or open a can of tuna for the cat when she’s feeling a little persnickety? If you love to treat your furry family members to the occasional treat, then you’re going to love these ideas for treating your koi!

Yes, it’s important to maintain koi health with a naturally balanced diet, but did you know that there is plenty of healthy people-food that can double as a healthy treat for koi? Not only do these foods make good treats for fish, but they can be a lot of fun for you, too. Try a few of these ideas and you can get fish literally eating out of your hand!

Read Now: What Can You Feed Koi? At Least One Of These Will Surprise You!

The Best Koi Food For Happy And Healthy Pond CrittersThe Best Koi Food For Happy And Healthy Pond Critters

We’ve given you plenty of feeding options, but wouldn’t you like to know which kind is best for your fish?

Well, the answer is a little more complicated than simply pulling one type and brand off a shelf, but don’t let that scare you! Once you understand what makes a good fish food, read this to learn when and why to feed certain foods to your fish. These tips will help you choose – not just the best fish food, but the best food for your fish.

Read Now: The Best Koi Food For Happy And Healthy Pond Critters

The Secret To Healthy Pond FishThe Secret To Healthy Pond Fish

Providing for their nutritional needs is one way to keep fish healthy. But there’s more you can do, not just for fish but for the overall health of your pond. And there are signs to watch out for that could be warning you that something isn’t quite right.

These are some best practices for keeping healthy koi, and some helpful tips for keeping an eye on things that might require your attention.

Read Now: The Secret To Healthy Pond Fish

What To Do When Your Pond Fish Are SickWhat To Do When Your Pond Fish Are Sick

In spite of your best efforts, sometimes fish get sick. And unfortunately, sometimes when one fish gets sick, others fall like dominos. If there’s any good news here, it’s that learning what to look for can help stave off major problems before they occur.

Fish tend to show some fairly obvious signs of illness, so if you know what to look for and what quick action to take, your koi and overall pond will be happier and healthier.

Read Now: What To Do When Your Pond Fish Are Sick

How To Keep Predators Out Of Your Pond And Protect Koi And Other CrittersHow To Keep Predators Out Of Your Pond And Protect Koi And Other Critters

Keeping koi healthy is only half of the equation. The other is keeping them safe. There are plenty of predators who would love to make a snack of your pond fish – herons, raccoons, even house cats. You can cover your pond with netting, but that isn’t the most aesthetic option. Nor is it always the most effective.

The good news is there are ways to keep fish safe that can be both visually pleasing and quite effective. In fact, you can mix and match to try different methods depending on the predators you have. Try one or more of these ideas to protect your precious pond fish.

Read Now: How To Keep Predators Out Of Your Pond And Protect Koi And Other Critters

We know plenty of people who love their ponds, but we also know a whole lot who only wanted a pond because of the koi! These fish will add beauty and enjoyment to your outdoor space season after season if you take the time to understand them and how you play a role in keeping them healthy and safe.

If you have questions about fish, whether you’re thinking of adding them to your pond, have a sick fish, or need recommendations for food or other pond supplies, contact us and let us know. Our pond pros are here to help.