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Master Planning Resources To Kick Start Your Landscape Redesign

By July 27, 2020June 25th, 2024Collections
front yard stones and stream

Pop quiz! You’re thinking of taking on a landscape redesign project, so the first thing you do is:

1. Go to a home improvement store or garden nursery and buy the prettiest plants you see.
2. Put on your gardening gloves and start getting your hands dirty with cleanup.
3. Hire a landscaper and have them start digging.

We admit that was a bit of a trick question, because ultimately the answer should be “none of the above”! Why? Because the first thing you really need to do before starting on a landscape design is plan.

Before a single leaf is touched or a weed plucked, before you buy anything, move anything, dig anything, in fact before you even commit to hiring someone to bring your vision to life, you need a plan.

Now, we’re not talking about “landscaping” as in “mow the grass and plant some petunias”. No, we’re talking about designing and building an outdoor space that encompasses everything from adding curb appeal to offering you an outdoor living area where you can engage in all the activities you love. Whether that’s includes a great patio, a cooking or kitchen area, a pond, a lush garden, a lounge area, or something else, that’s entirely up to you.

But to even get started on something like that, you need a plan. A master plan, to be exact. If you’re not familiar with a master plan, or just aren’t sold on the idea, we’ve collected some resources to show you why it’s so important and what it can do. You might be surprised!

master plan

Why You Need A Master Plan For Your Landscape Design

If you’re wondering why this master planning thing is important and don’t have all day to ponder it, this is a good place to start. It will give you the basics so you can get a glimpse into the purpose of this design document.

From accommodating your needs to working within your budget, you’ll get an overview of master planning that will begin to make sense. Find out why a holistic approach will yield a better result and where “good intentions” can go wrong.

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Still have questions? Keep Reading!

front yard with blue planters

Yes, You Do Need A Landscape Master Plan. Here’s Why.

You’ve got the scoop, and now you want the whole ice cream cone. If you’re ready for a deeper dive into why a master planning document is important, we’ve got those details right here.

A master plan solves problems, from knowing what you want (and don’t) to working with assets and around eyesores, defining goals, and of course getting it to all work together without hiccups, headaches and shattered expectations.

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A great view starts with a great plan! There’s more to learn…

brick house landscaping

Design Your Perfect Landscape With A Master Plan

You do want a dream landscape, and not some maybe-substitute, right? And you want to invest wisely, with results you can be proud of and enjoy for years to come. The last thing you want is a disappointing space and a lot of wasted money.

Master plans to the rescue! There are so many questions to answer before settling on so much as a single flower that missing even one could mean the difference between your best outdoor space and your worst nightmare. Take a gander at some of the important questions that a master plan can answer.

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Follow us on Instagram for more ideas and inspiration!

Get your pencil ready!

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How To Prepare For Your Landscape Master Plan Design Consultation

You’re on your way to an amazing new landscape! The next step on the journey is to consult with your landscape architect to actually come up with the plan.

A lot goes into your plan, and if you’re prepared for your consultation you’ll get the most out of your planning session – and ultimately out of your investment. Answer some of these questions so that you’ll be ready to discuss them with your landscape designer.

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Your Landscape Design Consultation Should Be Like This

It’s consultation time! You’re ready to improve your outdoor space, on board with a master plan, and about to embark on an exciting journey. Your first stop will be a planning session (or two or three) with your landscape architect.

So what will it be like? Well, we can tell you what it *should* be like – part fun, part work, and all leading toward the outdoor space of your dreams. If you can’t wait and want to know what to expect, we’ve shared an insider’s perspective, along with some direct quotes from customers who have gone through the process and come out the other side!

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Master planning is just one part of your journey to better curb appeal and a more livable, enjoyable outdoor space. If you’re ready to take that step, contact us for a consultation and let’s talk about creating a plan for your unique needs. We’d love to get you outdoors and enjoying everything that nature has to offer.

Get ready to live your best outdoor life!